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New Electronic Resources – HyRead eBooks

26 Aug 2020


The Academy Library has joined with other local university libraries in the consortium acquisition of HyRead eBooks.  By purchasing only 145 titles of ebooks, we are able to share 4,000 ebooks with other participating libraries in this platform.


The HyRead eBooks platform covers a wide variety of subjects across the humanities & social sciences, language & literature, religion & spiritual learning, science & technology, language learning, and art & design, etc.  It provides full text searching and it is compatible with mobile devices using iOS or Android system for online or offline reading.


Besides reading the books online, users can choose to borrow the ebooks for offline reading.  A maximum of 10 books can be borrowed at a time.  Users can borrow for 3 days and make three renewals.


For more information, please visit the Quick Guide (in Chinese version only).