CMB Wing Lung Bank Donates to Establish Scholarships to Support Dance Students of HKAPA to Participate in Cultural Study and Exchange Activities in the Mainland
CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited (CMB Wing Lung Bank) donates HK$500,000 to The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to establish “CMB Wing Lung Bank Chinese Dance Cultural Study and Exchange Scholarships” to support Academy dance students, majoring in Chinese Dance, to participate in cultural study and exchange activities in the Mainland with the aim to broaden students’ horizon, enhance the communication and understanding between the young dancers in Hong Kong and the Mainland and nurture a new generation of artists with leadership and vision.
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 2018/19 Scholarship Presentation and Donors’ Appreciation Gathering
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) presented its 2018/19 Scholarship Presentation and Donors’ Appreciation Gathering yesterday evening (6May) in honour of individuals, companies, organisations, friends and Academy staff and faculty members for their generosity in making possible the award of 532 scholarships, studentships, and prizes totalling over HK$ 16 million to Academy students for the year 2018/19.
The 35th Anniversary Academy Festival – School of Dance Spring Performances being the Opening Event
The 35th Anniversary Academy Festival presented by The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), featuring more than 50 performances and activities, will run till 1 July 2019. Met with enthusiastic response from a broad spectrum of the Hong Kong community in the past two years, the annual Festival continues to offer a rich variety of performing arts events this year. Some of the programmes offer free admission to the public.
HKAPA 35th Open Day Attracts over 11,000 Visitors to Enjoy the Fun of Performing Arts
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) held its 35th Anniversary Open Day today. The event drew over 11,000 visitors with their families and friends to the main campus in Wanchai and the Bėthanie Landmark Heritage campus in Pokfulam. During the day, visitors participated in almost 100 free programmes prepared by students and faculty of the six Schools, including Cantonese Opera experience through virtual reality, guided tour to TV Studio, concerts, visit to backstage, interactive sessions and dance performances.
Immerse yourself in performing arts at the HKAPA 35th Anniversary Open Day on 3 March
On Sunday 3 March, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) will present its 35th Anniversary Academy Open Day with more than 100 free activities prepared by students and faculty of the six Schools, our elite alumni and supporting units on the Wanchai main campus and Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus in Pokfulam. Highlight activities include dance performances, open classes, guided tour to TV Studio, concerts, visit to backstage, Cantonese Opera experience through virtual reality, interactive showcase (Tai Chi, Movement, Greek Chorus, Theatre Games) and Elite Alumni Sharing Session – The Next Ten Years of Hong Kong Movies? The 35th Anniversary Academy Open Day is definitely a good occasion to gather with your family and friends.